aBTC from ALEX: A Practical Step Towards Bitcoin DeFi

4 min readDec 4, 2023



Bitcoin DeFi space is evolving rapidly, with tokenized Bitcoin playing a pivotal role in this landscape. Among various tokenized Bitcoin options, the latest solution is aBTC from ALEX: it stands out due to its unique integration between Bitcoin L1 and Stacks (L2). This article compares aBTC with other popular tokenized Bitcoins such as WBTC and the upcoming sBTC by Stacks, focusing on their security and usability.

What is aBTC?

aBTC, or ALEX BTC, functions as an integral part of the Bitcon ecosystem, akin to the role WETH plays for ETH. As a SIP010 token on Stacks, aBTC is pegged 1:1 to Bitcoin, facilitated by two key components: the Bitcoin Oracle and the Bitcoin Bridge :

  • Bitcoin Oracle offers a tamper-proof, censorship-resistant way to index all events of Bitcoin L1 assets, with Bitcoin serving as the ultimate source of truth. It is instrumental in ensuring the integrity and accuracy of transactions within Bitcoin DeFi.
  • Bitcoin Bridge operates as a bi-directional system, enabling asset transfers between Bitcoin and Bitcoin L2s such as Stacks. It allows for a “native-like” Bitcoin DeFi experience by efficiently handling the conversion process and mitigating vulnerabilities typically associated with cross-chain bridges.

When a BTC holder engages with the Bitcoin Bridge, their BTC is received into a multisig wallet, triggering the minting of aBTC. This minting process involves creating new tokens that mirror the received BTC, allowing users to interact within the Stacks ecosystem via smart contracts. Conversely, when aBTC holders wish to convert back to Bitcoin, the Bridge initiates a burning process. This process involves removing aBTC from circulation and releasing the corresponding BTC amount from the multisig wallet to the user’s Bitcoin Wallet, thereby effectively managing the circulating supply of aBTC.

Comparing WBTC, sBTC (stacks) and aBTC (ALEX)

Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC)

With a market cap of approximately $6 billion, WBTC is a well-established Ethereum token, backed 1:1 by Bitcoin. This token, compliant with the ERC-20 standard, was launched in January 2019 and is integral to Ethereum’s DeFi ecosystem. BitGo, serving as the central custodian, underscores WBTC’s custodial nature, a contrast to decentralized tokenized Bitcoins. Despite this, WBTC plays a vital role in Ethereum’s DeFi space, enabling Bitcoin holders to engage in Ethereum-based DeFi activities while their value remains pegged to Bitcoin. This arrangement enhances liquidity in the Ethereum ecosystem and allows participation in activities like lending, borrowing, and yield farming​​​​​.

sBTC by Stacks

sBTC, a major milestone from Stacks, is set to launch in Q2 2024. It represents a non-custodial, non-federated version of Bitcoin. sBTC operates on the Stacks blockchain through a network of diverse validators. These validators ensure the sBTC system remains trust-minimized and secure by verifying and validating transactions, closely aligning sBTC with Bitcoin’s decentralized principles. This makes sBTC appealing to users who prioritize decentralization and security in their DeFi engagements.


In contrast, aBTC operates primarily through smart contracts on the Stacks blockchain. It uses the ALEX’s Bitcoin Bridge and the Bitcoin Oracle for its functionalities. The design of aBTC focuses on practicality and efficiency: aBTC transactions are notably faster, supported by a system that includes multisig peg-out and “fulfillers” who expedite peg-out requests, efficiently handling smaller transactions. Additionally, the Bitcoin Bridge’s integration with other smart contract actions allows for more streamlined operations, such as combined bridging and swapping, a feature that enhances overall transaction efficiency.

The Primary Distinction and Complementary Nature of sBTC and aBTC

The major difference between sBTC and aBTC lies in their operational mechanisms, each aligning with distinct aspects of the Bitcoin DeFi ecosystem. sBTC, reliant on non-federated validators, embodies Bitcoin’s ethos of decentralization and security. It taps into the Bitcoin network’s inherent security and transparency, appealing to those who value a trust-minimized approach for Bitcoin-backed assets.

In contrast, aBTC utilizes smart contracts and a multisig wallet to emphasize efficiency, practicality, and user-friendliness, catering to users who prioritize rapid and seamless interactions in the DeFi space. Despite these differences, sBTC and aBTC are not competitors but rather complementary forces within the Bitcoin DeFi landscape. Their coexistence offers users the flexibility to choose between decentralization and efficiency, thereby enriching the diversity and functionality of DeFi options available to Bitcoin holders.


aBTC from ALEX represents a practical approach in the world of Bitcoin DeFi. Its unique features, such as leveraging the Bitcoin Oracle and Bitcoin Bridge, set it apart from other options like WBTC and sBTC. As the DeFi landscape continues to evolve, aBTC’s integration of Bitcoin’s robustness with Stacks’ smart contract capabilities positions it as a significant player to watch in the tokenized Bitcoin space.




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