Newsletter: XLink Governance Proposal, Greater Wallet Integration, Global Events and New Project Launch

Dear Alexians,

Published in
4 min readNov 8, 2023


As we progress towards becoming the finance layer on Bitcoin, the ALEX Lab Foundation presents our community with a momentous proposal: transforming the ALEX Bridge into an independent entity known as XLink. Our reasoning is detailed in our latest Medium article, highlighting how this proposal would enhance the bridge’s operations and governance. The ultimate decision however, rests with our community.

The past two weeks have been a whirlwind of exciting developments at ALEX. Our swap is now fully integrated with the Leather wallet, and we’ve partnered with Asigna to launch multisig integration. The ALEX L1 Launchpad successfully debuted the Chamcha project, and our mission to attract developers to build on ALEX continues to take our team across the globe.

XLink: A Governance Proposal to Transition the ALEX Bridge Into a Separate Entity

The ALEX Lab Foundation has published a proposal to spin-off the ALEX Bridge into a separate entity called XLink. Bridges are critical to Web3 infrastructure; the growth of dApps on Bitcoin is limited without the cross-chain liquidity of decentralized/composable bridges.

We are proposing the creation of a distinct entity because the secure and efficient operation of a crypto bridge is most effectively guaranteed when those responsible for its security also have governance over it. The decision will be reach collectively by the community of $ALEX and $atALEX holders.

Next steps:

  • Community feedback — Following the announcement of the proposal, we’ve created a dedicated channel on our Discord to collect user feedback for an AMA.
  • AMA — An AMA will be held to address community questions before finalizing the proposal for a governance vote.
  • Governance vote — Upon finalizing the proposal, a vote will take place on our ballot page.

ALEX Swap Integration with Leather + Multisig Integration with Asigna

We excited to announce that over the past two weeks our AMM DEX is now fully integrated with Leather wallet. Direct from the Leather app or extension (formerly Hiro wallet), users can swap 105 different token pairs with ALEX powering the backend. Here’s a quick video demonstrating swapping in action.

In addition ALEX and Asigna have launched multisig integration. Access ALEX to Swap, Pool, Farm, and Stake directly from your SAFE. Explore multisig on ALEX and watch seamless integration in action.

ALEX in Hong Kong with Rachel and Chan

On Oct 24th, ALEX Co-Hosted Build Builders Hong Kong, with ALEX Co-Founder & COO Rachel Yu and CTO Chan Ahn in attendence. Chan’s panel discussion is available here. Rachel and Chan continued growing the ALEX community at OrdCon Hong Kong, with Rachel on stage discussing Bitcoin layers.

Around the World with ALEX

Over the past weeks the ALEX Team has made appearances in London, Singapore and Hong Kong inviting new builders to come to the finance layer of Bitcoin. Our globe trotting will soon take us to:

  • Nov 8: Hong Kong FinTech week
  • Nov 9–10: Thailand Blockchain week / BTC Builders Bangkok
  • Nov 15–17: UDC 2023 Seoul
  • Nov 15–20: ETH DevConnect Istanbul
  • Dec 16: Sora Summit / BTC Builders Taipei

Chamcha Launch on the L1 Launchpad

Chamcha successfully launched on the ALEX Decentralized L1 Launchpad. Chamcha is the second project to launch through an IDO lottery of their BRC20 token $CHAX on our Launchpad. The sUSDT — CHAX token pair recently opened on our AMM DEX and trading is now live.

In Closing

Our vision is vast: XLink is designed to be the cross-chain bridge that securely binds Bitcoin assets with all chains, encompassing EVM chains. We believe that XLink will help ensure that the ALEX ecosystem remains robust, adaptive, and primed for future challenges and opportunities. The decision rests with $ALEX holders.

As Bitcoin continues evolving, we’re reaching out to builders globally that coming next on Bitcoin are diverse assets, including stablecoins, RWAs, and DeFi project governance tokens.

Bitcoin will be the data layer that builds an inclusive financial ecosystem, allowing emerging economies and neglected members of society, to access the savings and investments products that can provide financial stability.

Best Regards,

The ALEX Lab Foundation




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