Orderbook Testnet Rewards



On October 9, Stage 1 of the Orderbook Testnet came to a close. We thank the community for participating. Testnet incentive rewards will be distributed to contributors shortly after the Mainnet launch of the Orderbook. Please see the Appendix for a reference table on reward levels.

Testnet stats

In total there were 8,445 participants in the Orderbook Testnet Stage 1, with 482 issues reported on the ALEX Discourse Orderbook Feedback Forum.

  • 0 were marked as Level 1 Issues
  • 22 were marked as Level 2 Issues
  • 34 were marked as Level 3 Issues
  • 27 were UI/UX suggestions which our product team utilized and acted on ( i.e. the re-design of the transaction confirmation pop-up/display. These are marked as Level 3 issues).
  • 163 were marked as Level 4 Issues
  • 236 issues reported were general inquiries or the result of incorrect user Testnet settings. These issues will not receive Testnet rewards.

Top 3 Testers

The 3 Top Testers receiving bonus rewards are:

  • SPZC…D2E0
  • SP3B….DNDV
  • SP37….DCVF

Orderbook Status

Orderbook spot trading is nearly complete thanks to the contributions of Testnet users.

We are working on the final touches to the user experience. Once ready, we will launch the Orderbook Mainnet. Target launch is around mid-November.

Perpetual futures trading is currently under development and will not go live during Mainnet launch of spot trading.


The Orderbook will operate under STXDX.com.

All contributors who reported valid issues will be rewarded shortly following its Mainnet launch.

More details on the rewards and STXDX.com will soon be announced. Follow us on Twitter and Discord to keep up-to-date.

Appendix: Rewards Level Reference

Description of Levels

Level 1

Level 1 includes high-level vulnerabilities, such as those exploitable remotely without authentication. These vulnerabilities can cause serious problems for users if left unfixed. For example, an attacker could gain unauthorized access to sensitive device information.

Also included are critical user-experience issues such as:

  • Balance not updated in a timely manner
  • Failure to receive relevant notifications in a timely manner
  • Incorrect trading price being triggered

Level 2

Level 2 comprises medium-level vulnerabilities that can cause serious problems, but do not necessarily lead to any asset loss or data manipulation. For example:

  • Orderbook not accepting well-formed orders
  • New users not able to join the Testnet

Level 3

Level 3 encompasses suggestions that will be considered for future implementation. These fixes are not critical, but are aesthetically valuable in adding polish and professionalism to the final protocol appearance. Examples are:

  • UI improvements such as catching typos/grammatical errors, misaligned graphics, poor design decisions, etc.

Level 4

Level 4 covers issues that already have been made aware of and have chosen to fix in subsequent Testnet iterations.

Top Testers

In addition to the rewards mentioned, the top three testers during each Testnet period will receive a bonus in addition to the eligible rewards described in the table above.




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