Review: 2016 Year in Photographs
I usually refer to my life as a rollercoaster ride, the higher the high means a faster fall but also a quicker bounce back. 2016 was by far the most thrilling year. And I’m not referring to Brexit nor Donald Trump.
To give some insights: I have travelled to 12 countries, 3 continents and started 2 companies. It was the year I finally quit university, read dozens of books, cooked hundreds of meals and focused on the things important to me: health, sports, business and food (not in that order).
Amongst my personal goals was to bring a great deal of musicality into my dancing. I challenged myself by being a more public persona through courses, workshops or presentations I gave. And lastly: I had lots of sessions with myself to become more antifragile.
After gaining a repulsion against photography for a while I regained my passion for it late 2015 when I started traveling again. 2016 was not short on traveling either. So here are some of my favourite picks of the photographs I took this year.