Coexistence of conflicting states

Just like the hot sun and the cool breeze



Photo by Abed Ismail on Unsplash

It is peak summer here, where I live. Afternoons are reaching 40+ degrees and it is extremely humid. However, we also received monsoon rains this week. The monsoon rains are nothing less than a breeze from heaven. Much needed and pleasant, they help in balancing out the heat.

In this weather, I noticed a huge conflict in the weather- the sun was hot but the air was cool. It seemed a bit strange, more like deception. I was scared to step out in the heat but was surprised to find the air cool and calming. The same breeze empowered me to hike, 2600 ft above sea level, which seemed impossible otherwise.

If we pay close attention, we can find conflicting states within us and conflicting situations around us.

Nothing is whole.

We can like some aspects of a person but also dislike others. It is about accepting the fact that you cannot like something or someone fully as no one is perfect. This leaves room for compassion. For example, I can have an argument with my friend but still be there to support them when they need me. I can grieve on the loss of my pet but also show up to a party. I can feel sick to the core, but still be persistent on my goals.

If you can balance the bitter and sweet moments, you’ll always move forward because you are not stopping. You are showing up and accepting that situations can not always be in your favour. This is something I still have to master.



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Writing driven by grief | Prose | Depth