
Good Is At The Core Of Every Single Human

We Are Wired to Form Lasting Impressions Of People Based On Their Actions

Ali Alzahrani, Ph.D
Published in
4 min readApr 13, 2024


Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

Picture this with me: You met a new coworker who seemed shy and quiet. You tried to converse and put some effort into learning more about them. No matter what you do then, you still feel shy and uninterested in making friends. In another instance, you met a new neighbor who seemed grumpy and unfriendly. You tried to avoid them because you thought they might cause you trouble.

Regardless of the case, that first impression of the shy coworker or the unfriendly neighbor can stick with you nearly forever. Even if you find that shy coworker with a new, different, outgoing personality or a calm and friendly neighbor, yes, the first impression will stick with you nearly forever.

So, what is happening in our minds when we make these snap judgments? It has been found that we are wired to form lasting impressions of people based on their first actions, even if we see just one thing they did. It is like our brains are little Sherlock Holmeses trying to figure out what kind of people other individuals are by putting together all the clues they give us. However, unlike Holmes, we sometimes base our judgments on just an orphan incident or maybe the first impression this story…



Ali Alzahrani, Ph.D

Engineer and researcher, pens insightful pieces on Medium about life philosophies, cinema, health, and culture. Inquiries: