
He is Hurting Me

Provoking animalistic killer

Rupal Teotia 🌻


Photo by Vanessa Sezini on Unsplash

There is a constant upheaval of everything breaking around me. My capabilities, my dreams, my heart, everything at once. He knocked me down and incessantly slapped me thereafter, leaving my soul bruised.

I was urgently required to understand the brighter side of things, but he grabbed hold of my insecurities and everything I had built so far.

I am helplessly drawn towards him. To uncover different layers of his never fading essence from my life. He spins me around, throwing me away, and roping me back again; it’s engraving and dark to step in his territory. Every now and then, this ebb-and-flow situation is creating a room for burgeoning confusions in my head.

The claws of his rage smell of a lone wolf, drenching my high spirits & fetching away all I have. The name of this animal is ‘FEAR’; the days he is awakened, I am a broken neck clenched in between his sharp canines.

It silently seeps in, clutching my pump. I gasp! But none listen. Then, it fiercely attacked my bones, weakening every ounce of my pillar. It scares me in ways that are unseen and unfathomable.

Sometimes, it comes to testing my intelligence across unrealistic competitions, leaving me to doubt my acclaimed flags.

Sometimes, it challenges my strength to sweat the shame my body will endure if I don’t reach the finish line.

Sometimes, it pours hate and jealousy on me and asks me to smile back at its uprising cruelty.

Sometimes, binding my hands tight to see me struggle to unfold those passionate dreams.

Sometimes, it breaks my heart and brings in a heap of opportunities to attend to.

To bear all of this, I am curing myself with a pill; it’s called ‘ENDURANCE’. I am each day making efforts to detach myself from its robust clench, to clean my grazes, treat deadly infections by housing healing methods.

I am aware that it’s a deep-cut wound, and it will take time for the new skin to layer up.

Till then, I have to both look out for outside disturbances, such as dirt or germs from the environment, which may smoulder the powerful demons of my agony. I have to take preventative measures to not get attacked again. And stick to a healthy routine, apply an incumbent ointment of self-love and admiration.

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Rupal Teotia 🌻
Writer for

I craft some light hearted stories. I am seeking genuine readers/writers to grow with.