
His words or Yarat


Rupal Teotia 🌻


👐 👐

It is an ode to the nostalgia of my grandfather's bedtime stories, which sparkle like caterpillars at night.

Photo by Sarah Ghasemi on Unsplash

Fireflies flutter

Like clean water driving fast

Through yellow sunlight


& Rests

Dusty gravel

Of chalk-like washed track


Monochrome exterior

Under the moon, chromazi

From lamp light


Later, I have a poem

So I keep his rhymes

Every word was broadcast


Through the weak frames of his eyes

A tongue that cannot speak its mind

However, I place each one carefully


Yet they float freely.

A distinguished campaign for scientific research

To look for a researcher inside


The next morning, I'd lose them all

Maybe she left it behind

To someone's ears in one night


And one another, every day in the log

The old soul frees itself

To the storytelling universe!


-But they turn on the light

-His words are like fireflies.

If you like what has been expressed, then go for it. Please click the clap button below. 🧘‍♀️

Also, don't forget to follow the link to countless articles about life and mentoring. It has the most excitement I've ever had and a lot of knowledge sharing and review.



Rupal Teotia 🌻

I craft some light hearted stories. I am seeking genuine readers/writers to grow with.