
How to Get Yourself Motivated Like Athletes?

Gain Your Motivation Back

Ali Alzahrani, Ph.D
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2024


Photo by Hugo Jehanne on Unsplash

Do you ever feel like you just can’t write, work, practice, or exercise? Do you ever find that even though you love what you do, you can’t seem to do it anymore? It’s hard to explain why we lose motivation like this. But don’t worry! You’re not alone. I go through this all the time, and I think most of us do, too.

In reality, motivation has always been complicated no matter if it’s the most enthusiastic athlete or self-driven person. Motivation, as psychologists say, is the internal push that makes us want to start doing something and keep on doing it. It’s also known as the reason behind our actions.

There are two types: Extrinsic and Intrinsic. Intrinsic motivation happens when people take part in something simply because they think it is fun. They play basketball games because they enjoy scoring points or love beating another team in a thrilling match. This is called intrinsic motivation — doing an activity for its sake only.

On the other hand, when individuals do things primarily to attain some kind of reward (such as money) or avoid punishment (like getting fired), this represents extrinsic motivation. Suppose you were to write fiction every day after work because stories tend to generate lots of…



Ali Alzahrani, Ph.D

Engineer and researcher, pens insightful pieces on Medium about life philosophies, cinema, health, and culture. Inquiries: