
How do comparisons help?

Dr. Tarannum Shaikh


Photo by Jusdevoyage on Unsplash

Why did God create a Versus, an opposite for most things?

Ever wondered?

Adam was the first human being created, and he was a ‘he’, a man. Strong. Powerful. Determined. Those are the characteristics of men. God made them such that they can conquer the world single-handedly. So why create another type of human with attributes opposite to men? Women? Why?

God created Day. Entire twelve hours of natural light, free, unmoderated, straight from the heavens for man to go about his daily duties, to be productive. Then why pause this productivity with the onset of the Night? What if the Sun never set and it was always Day?

God created Happiness and Ease. Why then is it diluted with Sadness and Hardship? What if everyone was always happy and comfortable?

There are many such opposites, or versus that we see in nature, where a comparison is inevitable. Comparisons between humans are generally not believed to be healthy as they can harbour jealousy and negativity. But that is something man-made, if God Created opposites in nature, there has to be a valid reason.

As we all know, humankind has been gifted with the power of curiosity, thought and reasoning by God. Unlike animals and angels, Man has the power to think rationally, analyse and then make decisions. Of what use would this curiosity be if it were not fed? If there were no stimulations, no comparisons, and no food for thought then how would man evolve or prosper?

Monotony can never feed curiosity, however, it can trigger it.

Imagine if you were to be given a luxurious house with all the happiness wouldn’t you just live a contented life? Everything positive. A steady supply of happiness and comfort. No struggles, no sadness, no opposites. Wouldn't that be perfect? The answer is no. But why?

Such is man by nature. He wouldn’t appreciate anything unless he had something to compare to. If there is no struggle, there is no value. If there is no resistance, there is no growth.

If there was no ‘woman’, who would be able to appreciate the strength of a man? Similarly, if there was no ‘man’ who would have appreciated the feminity of a woman?

If there was no darkness, we wouldn’t have witnessed the beautiful sunset and if there was no sunrise we wouldn’t have looked forward to dawn with hopefulness.

Opposites help us appreciate the value of what we have and help us evolve in the journey of life. They help us understand that nothing is permanent in life and that we should be flexible, willing to change, to evolve.

Comparisons help us think better and think out of the box. Why do we have day and night? How does the sun set and rise? This thought process led us to the discovery of the earth's shape and movements.

If happiness brings you close to your loved ones, hardships make you stronger and more patient.

Men and women staying together learn from each other, support each other and are the foundations of families. Each one has a role to play which is different from the other.

Comparisons were created to strike a balance, to explain how important it is to live a balanced life. To explain that change is the only constant and thus we should always be willing to change and embrace it with open arms. To explain that settling down in comfort zones can actually disturb the equilibrium and hamper productivity.

There is a lot that we can learn from nature, a lot we can explore, and a lot that can inspire growth. Let’s begin. :)



Dr. Tarannum Shaikh
Editor for

The Pen is my Sword. Writer at heart, doctor by degree. Published author and alternative medicine consultant. Currently exploring my creative side :)