Motivation, success on Medium and Life

Seeds Of Success And Hope

Erase Your Personality If You Need Respect, That The Grain Turns Into Dust And Becomes A Flower

Nabila Asif Life Lesson Writer


Photo by Max Saeling on Unsplash

I try very hard. the darkness is gone, but
Somewhere there is no moon, somewhere the moon is half. 
I hope the darkness will end,
I’ll be able to catch the fireflies, I’ll shine like the moon.

Hello Dear Readers And Friends!!!!!!!!!

I joined Medium on October 10, 2023, and initially I didn’t know anything. How to work on this platform: I wrote and published my first story in my language, i.e., Urdu, but even after waiting for several days, I did not get any response, and I deleted my story. Then I began to dig deeper. This was my first seed that I had sown on medium land, and now I was waiting to see when a new plant would grow from the seed. I started to figure out how to work on it. What kind of thoughts do people read? I began to read great and talented writers, and I liked writings.

I read many more people and admired their work, and then one day I managed to pull a small plant out of the soil with a seed sown on medium soil. It was the day that someone clapped on my article for the first time. It was the plant of hope that inspired me to grow further. You all know how difficult it is to write an article on an Android phone, and it becomes even more difficult at this time when your husband won’t allow you to do that. But my husband isn’t bad. He is very much in love with me, but he is somewhat principled, since I and my children are under his control. So he has every right to criticise us, and I don’t mind his behaviour. I don’t use the medium in front of my husband and other people.

And I don’t even use AI because I don’t like AI at all. Because AI can never write my feelings and emotions the way I do, if I tell AI to write me an article on the “seed of passion”. It’s never as simple and loving as my words, but it’s very complex. It’s never what I’m thinking in my mind. I write it down little by little and then save it in the medium’s account draft. I have more work to do. I’m a mum, and I take care of my kids. I’m a teacher, and I have to teach. I’m a tailor, and I also sew clothes. I am a Muslim, and I have to talk to my Lord. That is, I also have to make time for five times of prayer and believe me, that no time is as peaceful as the time associated with prayer and the Quran, but still I make some time for the medium.

If you plan to travel to any destination and have all kinds of ways to do so, you will never reach the destination. You can never be successful alone on the medium unless there are people travelling with you. If you want to be successful, you have to read as many people as possible; they have to comment and clap on their stories. When you can clap 50 thousand times, you can also clap 50 time. If you like someone’s story and words, then choose your words according to your opinion and do not make short comments.If you connect with others, you will have many opportunities for success. Your work will be appreciated, and your words will be deeply felt and the plant of your success will become a growing tree.

Never be hopeless;

One day your efforts and hard work will bear fruit on the tree of success, and the fruits will surely be very sweet. You can see my profile. My followers are in front of your eyes, the comments and claps on my post are in front of your eyes, and my first earnings will also be in my hands soon and in front of your eyes.

Be sure to join the publication house on Medium; it is no less than a great leader for you. Publications make you aware of the mistakes of your work and words, and promote your best work, which is very beneficial for you.

My account has been accidentally caught in the spam filter twice while working on Medium, and these times were nothing short of heartbreaking for me, but despite it all, I continued my effort. Because I know that success is not possible by giving up.

If you’re also working on any platform and institute. Do it with full conviction, aim like a turtle, travel to your destination with consistency, imitate the talented people around you and try to learn from them who work with you, appreciate their work, so that in return you are also appreciated, water your plant of hope with hard work and effort, trim it, dig its soil, and soften it so that the air and salts it needs can reach its roots, i.e., improve itself, carve itself, and I hope that one day you will definitely succeed.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


Nabila Asif Life Lesson Writer



Nabila Asif Life Lesson Writer
Writer for

As a creative writer, I publish amazing stories. I am a seeker of knowledge, writer, reader and thinker.✍️