
The Essential Elements in Human Survival!

What innate qualities do we possess that lead us towards kindness and compassion?

Ali Alzahrani, Ph.D
Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2024


Screenshot from the movie ‘Cast Away’ (2000), directed by Robert Zemeckis. Courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox and DreamWorks Pictures.

Imagine you are stranded on a deserted island with a group of people. What traits would help you all survive and work together? Intelligent, beauty, humor, confidence, or maybe charisma. What is your choice ? Let me tell; None of them, and this is according to one fascinating research, I read recently.

That’s weird, right. Me too, I was somewhat surprised at first. I thought we all like these traits in our friends, and prioritize them the most in our partners, and put it at first in our relationships. That’s really weird.

But again, What traits would help us all survive and work together in a stranded on a deserted island? The two very important qualities that could mean life or death for anyone are empathy and altruism, and let me explain what those big words mean and why they are so vital.

Empathy is our ability to understand and recognize other’s feelings. It’s like being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and feel what they are feeling. If a friend is sad because they lost their job, having empathy means you can imagine how heartbroken you would feel in that situation too.



Ali Alzahrani, Ph.D

Engineer and researcher, pens insightful pieces on Medium about life philosophies, cinema, health, and culture. Inquiries: