Head with Poppies

Published in
Apr 1, 2022
Head of Poppies, l’ecu pastels on sandpaper ©Delfino Cornali 2009

based on Still Life with Japanese Print by Paul Gauguin…

In 2009, I took a drawing class at the Gage Academy, Seattle. My instructor assigned us to reproduce any works by Gauguin. I attempted Flowers and Japanese Print which I didn’t finish. I just couldn’t render the woodblock print or the flowers in Gauguin’s style. But this sub-subject intrigued me — head filled with poppies. It suggested those Eureka moments where new ideas suddenly leap from our minds. Some mind-blowing new perspective, so out of the box transforms into blossoms.

I am planning to do a lot more work with the Wallis (sandpaper) with the L’Ecu pastels–they are very rich & yummy to work with.



Writer for

Pastel artist, bread baker, runner, backpacker, traveler, gardener, mosaicist, @home in the Idaho foothills w/my partner Michele enjoying owl/coyote serenades.