Manhattan Energy

Published in
Mar 26, 2022
Manhattan Energy, oil pastels on paper, 8"x10" ©Delfino Cornali 2020

New York City has a palpable electricity, as if the entire city is wired to a high-voltage. New Yorkers talk fast. Should you pause a second at a traffic light, be prepared for a horn blast. I don’t feel it as a nervous or neurotic energy. I feel creativity in the air — murals on buildings, jazz clubs, musicians busking on the subway platforms. Art, theaters, restaurants. This city is alive with creative ideas.

So when I snapped a photo from the the Staten Island Ferry in October 2019, gazing at the towering skyline of lower Manhattan, I thought about how I’d depict such a creative cloud if were it visible. No numbers or letters or musical notes. Something sub-atomic, particles of creativity. Like fragments of letters, bound by nested parentheses, clustered in clouds that constantly bounce off each other.



Writer for

Pastel artist, bread baker, runner, backpacker, traveler, gardener, mosaicist, @home in the Idaho foothills w/my partner Michele enjoying owl/coyote serenades.