The Impressionistic Garden

Flowers and plants viewed through a tilting lens

Bruce Walker
Published in
Jun 5, 2021


These plants are all to be found in the wonderful, ever-evolving garden that my partner Louise Peacock has created around our home in Mississauga, Canada.

This garden was responsible for re-kindling my interest in photography fourteen years ago and I have never ceased drawing inspiration from it. I love looking back at all the different ways I have captured images of these fascinating little bits of nature’s finest.

Filapendula vulgaris (Dropwort) #1 ~ photo Bruce Walker
Lotus corniculatus (Bird’s Foot Trefoil) ~ photo Bruce Walker
Black widow perennial geranium ~ hand-tinted monochrome ~ photo Bruce Walker
Creeping phlox ~ photo Bruce Walker



Bruce Walker
Editor for

Photographer, recovering bourgeois, coffee lover & multidisciplinary geek. Photo-genre best described as “Erratica”. Social: