Dumpling at Antique Book Town

Concierge Kawahara
Published in
2 min readNov 17, 2015


ALFRED Food Report by Concierge Kawahara in Japan

Hello, everyone!
I am Kawahara, ALFRED’s concierge.

Do you know the town JIMBOCHO in Tokyo?

Here is known as the largest book town, with 180 antique book stores. Many of them have been built to the north-facing. Because sunlight pours from the south in the Northern Hemisphere, it seems to have been for a long time as people protect the books from sunlight. If you could show the correct direction without map, your family and lover will get a surprise!

Well, I will introduce a long-established restaurant like old book.

Established in 1936, it is one of the oldest dumpling restaurants in Japan. They opened in China before established in Japan, and it has been offered traditional dumplings. Chinese people who really like garlic seemed to eat dumplings with whole garlic, that is why dumplings of this restaurant do not contain garlic to filling.

Wrapping way of this Grilled Dumplings is rare in Japan. In order to confine the juice from the meat filling, grilled dumpling is completely wrapped around at the other restaurants in Japan. But this Grilled Dumpling is only rolled tightly, and both ends of dumpling are open. The juice macerates the skin from the outside, and it becomes this dumpling not greasy.

In addition, this restaurant has the menu in English. Unfortunately the staff working here cannot speak English, but they are very kind. This restaurant is very small, and there is often queue of people, but I am sure that you can feel the history of Dumpling and Antique Book Town.

