Jatin Tripathi
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2021



Again nothing new with world, however, that's not the case with AlgoBrain, we at AlgoBrain are spellbound to make your trading experience as comfortable as possible.

Definitely, no prizes for guessing whats this blog is going to be about, Introducing to you again one of a kind feature, BASKET ORDERS, It allows you to place multiple orders at the same time, along with their respective stop-loss, it gives you the freedom to customize your order the way you want and customizing here means that you can choose strikes, expiry, the number of lots and the task you want the bot to perform(buy\sell), differently for each order.

Wondering what stop-loss is?

Placing an order with stop-loss means the order will automatically get closed when the stop loss gets triggered i.e. when the stock price hits the percentage set by you.

SO, here’s how to use it?

Follow these simple steps and you are good to go:

STEP ONE: Click on the ‘BASKET ORDERS’ button on the toolbox, on your right-hand side, second to the ‘DASHBOARD’ button.

STEP TWO: After step one, the following window would appear, now according to your preferences fill each of the parameters for the first stock.

STEP THREE: Once you are done with your first stock click on the ‘ADD’ button to add the subsequent orders with their respective parameters.

STEP FOUR: Once you are done with all your stock orders, click on the ‘PLACE ORDER’ button on the bottom right corner of the screen.

STEP FIVE: And voila! you can now place as many orders as you want, easy right?

Small stepping stones you might encounter:

Note one: If you haven’t already given us access for the day to your account then a message will appear on the screen asking you to do so. To give access you can click on the yellow ‘GIVE ACCESS’ button on the top right corner as shown on the following screen.

  • A pop-up will appear, read the given message and click on the ‘ALLOW’ button to give access.
  • And you are good to go.

Note two: You must have shared your telegram with us so, that we can keep you posted about your orders. and if you haven’t done that already just a little more.

  • if you were greeted with the above screen, go to the profile section and ‘LOG IN WITH TELEGRAM’.
  • And you are good to go, again.

Okay, so are we ready to try our hands?


Learn more about our booster system:


stay tuned, for our new updates.


