AlgoDAO community vote # 1

Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2023

Dear Community,

It is time to take action on an important topic for the community: unstaking fees. In the true nature of a DAO, this is a decision that has to be taken by you, the community behind AlgoDAO, via a vote.

As you may recall from previous communications, once the community voices out a particular topic for governance, it is to be taken by the DAO contributors to set up the governance voting process and possible outcomes.

For the unstaking fee topic, the possible outcomes of the vote have been boiled down to the following three alternatives after discussion by the DAO:

A: Unstaking Fee remains the same (5% flat fee)

B: Unstaking Fee is removed.

C: Unstaking Fee diminishes over 6 month period from the moment of stake.

The vote is to be conducted in the following manner:

1. A snapshot will be taken of all ADAO holders and their address for cross reference of vote and staked amounts. Snapshot will be taken at 12pm UTC Wednesday 29 March 2023.

2. Voting is Open from 12pm UTC Wednesday 29 March until 12pm UTC Wednesday 5 April 2023.

3. DAO members can participate in the vote via sending 0.1 ADAO to the selected address of their vote. Governors need to ensure they send from the same wallet they are staking ADAO with for vote verification.

Vote A: Unstaking fee remains the same at 5% of amount unstaked.

Send 0.1 $ADAO to:


Vote B: Unstaking fee is removed from the AlgoDAO platform.

Send 0.1 $ADAO to:


Vote C: Unstaking Fee diminished 1% every month until 0% (diminishing starts after the first completed month giving 6 month decrease total).


You are the driving force behind AlgoDAO, and you are the ones we are here for. Thanks, Algofam.

Vox Populi, Vox Dei!

Stay tuned for updates.

