What is an AlgoDAO Guild? How it works, hot to set one up, and more…

AlgoDAO Team
Published in
5 min readAug 26, 2022

Last month, we launched AlgoDAO’s Governance Framework (AGF), a complex but also comprehensive framework purpose-built to ensure that AlgoDAO remains community driven, on an eveer-increasing scale and level. As part of efforts to decentralize the governance on AlgoDAO, we are activating another governance component in the form of community-created so-called AlgoDAO Guilds.

Follow along, Fleet Elite pilots, as we break down how to build the operational structure for your very own AlgoDAO space Guild.

Let’s recap; What is a Guild?

Guild| /ɡɪld/: noun

  • a medieval association of craftsmen or merchants, often having considerable power.
  • an association of people for mutual aid or the pursuit of a common goal.

An AlgoDAO Guild is a group of AlgoDAO members that come together to form a group through which they make their voices heard, advance their interests, and participate in the governance process. AlgoDAO Guilds are an integral part of the AlgoDAO platform, membership in a guild is established through $ADAO staking, and AlgoDAO Guilds manage their operation from within AlgoDAO’s Discord server.

AlgoDAO Guilds function as one unit with shared views and opinions for the DAO. AlgoDAO Guild members delegate their voting power to their Guilds and each Guild votes as a single entity within the broader DAO.

What are the benefits of starting/becoming a member of a Guild?

  1. AlgoDAO Guilds will form a large part of AlgoDAO’s governance structure. Once fully implemented, AlgoDAO Guilds will be able to provide input to influence the direction and control of the AlgoDAO project. Joining an AlgoDAO Guild gives you a chance to influence the future trajectory of AlgoDAO.
  2. Guilds will have the opportunity to earn Pre-Market Funding (PMF) access by completing assignments and bounties related to IDOs and incubated projects. Investors who access pre-market funding rounds often do so at a discounted rate relative to the participation in IDOs or exchange listing prices. Joining an AlgoDAO Guild gives you collective access to the early deal-flow without requiring to individually own the large $ADAO stake required for High Council or Vanguard membership.
  3. AlgoDAO Guild members have the ability to delegate their voting power to the AlgoDAO Guild allowing them freedom of participation even in absence from the channels.
  4. AlgoDAO Guilds have the unique ability to make proposals to be voted on via governance within the AlgoDAO ecosystem. If you have an idea on how to make AlgoDAO better, joining a DAO is probably the most democratic way to deliver your proposal for consideration by the broader AlgoDAO community.
  5. Each AlgoDAO Guild will have its own exclusive closed channel inside of AlgoDAO Discord. An AlgoDAO Guild provides a sense of internal democracy through closed channels that enable “private” deliberations to arrive at a common front before presentation to the broader AlgoDAO community.
  6. Each Guild will have a Keeper and Council Members (more on this later) who will have access to an AlgoDAO incubation channel. In this channel the Guild Keeper and Council Members can ask questions and discuss with project leaders from incubated projects on behalf of their AlgoDAO Guild. They are then responsible for distributing the information back to their AlgoDAO Guild members.

AlgoDAO Guild Structure

AlgoDAO Guilds have a distinct structure used for voting and dissemination of information to all ranks of the group. The three hierarchies within the AlgoDAO Guilds are:

  1. Guild Keeper
  2. Guild Representative Council (GRC)
  3. Guild Members

Guild Keeper

This person is the group founder or the elected contact and leader of the AlgoDAO Guild. This position can be re-elected by in-Guild vote or when a current keeper vacates the position. There can be only one designated Guild Keeper in an AlgoDAO Guild.

Guild Representative Council (GRC)

The Guild Representative Council (GRC) joins the Guild Keeper to represent the AlgoDAO Guild in the High Council channel and in meetings with projects enrolled in AlgoDAO’s incubator. Each AlgoDAO Guild will have a minimum of two Guild Representative Council (GRC) members. When adding a channel’s GRC members into external channels (such as channels with project teams), each AlgoDAO Guild can add an additional member for every 100 members within the AlgoDAO Guild.

AlgoDAO Guild Members

All AlgoDAO members who have staked their $ADAO to the AlgoDAO Guild and are contributing to DAO power.

AlgoDAO Guild rules

The following rules currently apply to the formation and operation of AlgoDAO Guild.

  • AlgoDAO members can only belong to one AlgoDAO Guild at a time,
  • AlgoDAO Guilds must have a minimum of 10 participants to actively be involved in High Council decisions,
  • Members of the Guild delegate their voting power to the AlgoDAO Guild itself,
  • The Guild Keeper of the AlgoDAO Guild will act on behalf and as representative of their AlgoDAO Guild,
  • In absence of the Guild Keeper a Council Member can be deemed the same authority.

AlgoDAO Guild setup process

AlgoDAO Guild coordination team:

The AlgoDAO team and community members responsible for managing AlgoDAO Guide formation and operations are: Joriento, Sporus, Vito.

Required details for AlgoDAO Guild setup

AlgoDAO Guild Card details:

  • AlgoDAO Guild Name:
  • Guild Keeper Name:
  • Council Member(s) Name:
  • Founding Date:
  • Guild biography or summary:

AlgoDAO Guild creation flow

  1. Contact coordination team,
  2. Provide Guild Card details,
  3. Coordination team will set up discord channel with appropriate roles,
  4. Special Command will be set up inside Discord to assign members the specific Guild role,
  5. Guild Keeper, GRC, Members enter the AlgoDAO Guild(specific to each AlgoDAO Guild) Command in any Join Channel on AlgoDAO Discord,
  6. Bot assigns access to Private Guild Channel via command,
  7. The Guild Keeper and Council Members will be added to High Council group for information distribution,
  8. Guild card will be updated to display new standing, members, bio and DAO power,
  9. AlgoDAO Guild can begin to participate in High Council discussions once 10 members are in their closed Discord channel.

Final thoughts

AlgoDAO’s Guild-building process is now in flow and applications are open for AlgoDAO Guild creation.

We encourage the community to build groups of people based around common interests and grow their AlgoDAO Guild to be the most powerful ship in the Fleet.

If you have any questions or thoughts on how to further improve the AlgoDAO Guilds please drop us a line.

