The Virtual Butterfly Effect

The means by which wonder, beauty, awe, and symmetry will be discovered

Cezary Gesikowski
Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2024


image by the author

“The fact is that the beautiful, humanly speaking, is merely form considered in its simplest aspect, in its most perfect symmetry, in its most entire harmony with our make-up. Thus the ensemble that it offers us is always complete, but restricted like ourselves. What we call the ugly, on the contrary, is a detail of a great whole which eludes us, and which is in harmony, not with man but with all creation. That is why it constantly presents itself to us in new but incomplete aspects.”— Victor Hugo

image by the author

“We will have to abandon the philosophy of Democritus and the concept of elementary particles. We should accept instead the concept of elementary symmetries.” —…



Cezary Gesikowski
Algography Art

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