When Art Sucks: It’s Not AI — It’s You

How to not give a damn and enjoy creating whatever you feel like

Cezary Gesikowski
Published in
4 min readMar 18, 2024


image by the author via GAI

It’s hard to ignore the online vitriol denouncing images produced using Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) as ‘art’ and proclaiming that all who create AI images are not ‘artists.’ A 100-year-old urinal signed by R. Mutt is more than happy to swallow the venom spewed at the seekers of new forms of expression.

This article is for those who don’t care if they are considered ‘artists’ nor aspire to decorate a gallery wall or a ceiling in a temple of ‘flavour-of-the-moment’ power.

Remember, Marcel Duchamp’s ‘Fountain,’ was an ordinary urinal that became an ‘art object’ by simply appearing on display in a gallery.

Fearless Algographers do what explorers have always done — ignore the mockery of canon and the threats from empty spaces on maps marked ‘there be dragons.’

images by the author via GAI

Photographers once suffered the mockery of painters, too. Even though Picasso extensively experimented with photography, without which cubism would never have emerged from his studio in Montmartre.



Cezary Gesikowski
Algography Art

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