Why Midjourney Is So Darn Good

Confessions from the not-so-secret AI model rating party-goer

Cezary Gesikowski
Published in
12 min readFeb 26, 2024


image by the author via Midjourney v6

Have you ever pondered the fine-tuning behind the aesthetics of AI-generated images? Well, brace yourself for a fascinating revelation! I’m about to pull back the curtain on Midjourney’s unique process — a closely guarded yet open secret among its users, offering perks that few tap into. Shhhh…

Midjourney (MJ) is an AI tool that can generate original high-quality images based on simple text inputs. It creates these images through Machine Learning (ML) and is continuously trained with countless amounts of data to improve the output. Fine-tuning generative AI models at MJ involves a vibrant community engaging in what is known as “rating parties.” As a frequent attendee, I’ve witnessed the incredible synergy of creativity and technology. And… earned free fast GPU access time along the way!

Midjourney Secret Sauce: The User Community

What would software user experience (UX) paradise look like? Imagine a world where AI models are refined not through solitary technical adjustments but through the collective wisdom of its users. This is one of the ways MJ introduces new model iterations to the community, inviting users to generate and vote on images.



Cezary Gesikowski
Algography Art

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