#Algorome Meme Competition

Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2022

Laughter’s the best medicine! Let’s share some memes.

Update — competition extended to Feb 10th.

Put your creative genius to work by combining crypto and humour to score yourself a handy little gift to start the New Year!

Conjure up a great meme about the Algorand Foundation announcement of the Viridis Phase II: Aeneas Liquidity Program.

Your meme creation can be about but not limited to Bridges, DEXs, and lending platforms on Algorand.

The number one aim of your meme is to be amusing to the Algorand community #algorome.

Picture Meme Competition

Running 27th January to 10th February

1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize will be awarded to the picture memes with the most retweets and verified by the Algomint, Algofi, and Tinyman teams.

Winners will be announced on 1th February.

Video Meme Competition

Running 7th February to 16th February

The finalists’ video memes that will be crowned the winner are to be chosen by the corresponding project and shared on Twitter. Members of the Algomint, Algofi and Tinyman teams will select one top video memes for each of their projects, with three amazing prizes up for grabs — one per project.

Winners will be announced on 17th February.


  1. Follow @Algomint_io @algofiorg and @tinymanorg on Twitter
  2. Find an image to use as a meme (tip), or make your own (we love this).
  3. Think of funny text for the Algomint community.
  4. Share your meme to Twitter using the #algorome
  5. An element must incorporate a reference to one of the three companies Algomint, Algofi, and Tinyman.

Meme requirements:

  1. The meme must be relevant to the Algorand Defi trifecta i.e. only include logos and references to Algomint, Algofi and/or Tinyman.
  2. No NSFW memes, keep it family-friendly. Memes must not contain swear words, or other offensive content.
  3. Algopulse, Algomint, Algofi, and Tinyman are not responsible for any copyright issues, the owner is fully responsible for not infringing any copyright.
  4. You MUST create the meme yourself. Memes sourced online will be automatically disqualified.
  5. Submissions for the video meme will be judged on originality and overall humor and the top 3 finalists will be decided by the projects.

Picking the winners:

The community will choose three picture meme winners based on retweets on Twitter using the #algorome.

To increase your chances of winning make sure you promote your submission to all your friends!

Picture submissions will be open from 27th Jan — 3rd Feb after which the community will vote for the winner from submissions made to #algorome. The winner will be announced on 4th Feb 5pm AEST.

The video submissions will then be open from 7th Feb — 16th Feb after which a winner will be chosen per project from submissions made to #algorome, so three winners in total. The winner for the video portion of the competition will be announced on 17th Feb 5pm AEST.

We wish you all luck, but more importantly, we hope you have a lot of fun making the memes for this competition!

The team tried their best and came up with some memes for you guys to enjoy but we’re sure you guys can come up with something better.




Algomint empowers the next generation of DeFi by bridging popular assets like BTC, ETH, USD and a range of other key tokens to Algorand.