Algorand’s Greenhouse Hack

Ronan Breen
Algorand Foundation
2 min readJul 18, 2022

Algorand has partnered with Gitcoin to bring you the Greenhouse Hacks Series, a global bounty hack on the world’s greenest blockchain. In the true nature of the word greenhouse, our goal is to create a space to nurture the ideas of the community, meaning you have all access to Dev Rel support, partner workshops, and pathways to better engage with the ecosystem after the hackathon.

Each hack in the series will be virtual and will run for approximately 5 weeks, so you can showcase your skills no matter where you are in the world! Submitted projects will be assessed by both the community, via a quadratic voting process, and a panel of specially selected judges from The Algorand Ecosystem.

Why Participate?

Winning teams will receive a hackathon bounty payment and be revered by the Algorand community. For more information on our bounties, you can watch the preview here. Some participants of the hack will also get the opportunity to continue their work with Algorand’s ever-expanding ecosystem through positions, grants, or accelerator funding.

We are super excited to be kicking off the first hackathon in the Greenhouse Hack Series on Monday the 18th of July 2022 with a variety of bounties from our partners, including no-code bounties, Bring Your Own Project (BYOP), and more!

Register and Become a Better Dev!

Our jam-packed preprogramming schedule was rolled out on Monday the 11th of July, check the infographic below, but you can follow along by following us on Twitter @GreenhouseHacks to watch the recorded sessions if you miss them!

Registration will remain open after the 18th of July for anyone late to the party, and team formation/matchmaking will still be possible during the event.

Looking forward to meeting you in The Greenhouse — we can’t wait to see what you build!

