Announcing the Winners of Algorand Sri Lanka Community Bounties

Summer Miao
Algorand Foundation
2 min readApr 28, 2022

We want to send a big thank you to everyone who participated in the Sri Lanka Community Bounties. It’s great to see the great passion for Algorand from the local community.

Here we’d like to announce the winning entries for both bounties.

Bounty I: Design Original Art Depicting ‘Algorand Sri Lanka Community’, issue as NFT on Algorand

Click here to see all of the contest entries.

Top 3 Winning entries (no particular order)

By @ts-lang

By @drlogomium

By @naryadnaya-efimova

Bounty II: Write A Blog Post About “Algorand & Enterprise Solutions” _ Sri Lanka Community

Click here to see all of the contest entries.

Top 3 Winning entries (no particular order)

By @davebelini

By @ishaaqziyan

By @ashen2295

Our panel of judges chose the winning entry based on how well it exemplified the entry requirements.

Congratulations to all winners!

Join the Sri Lanka Algorand Community on Telegram.

