Blockchain Week Berlin Wrap-up

September, 2019

5 min readSep 5, 2019


Berlin has rapidly become one of the leading technology hubs within the blockchain ecosystem, particularly for Europe. It’s home for an impressive community of notable projects, research and innovation labs — focused on conscious evolution and proactively bringing blockchain technologies into production.

Recently, it was Blockchain Week Berlin, a decentralized community-organized initiative, committed to reducing the noise from the market, with education at its forefront in order to push mass adoption.

The 2019 program featured an abundance of conferences, workshops, side-events and hackathons with topics catering to a wide range of stakeholders: — developers, investors, enterprise, and lawmakers relevant to the space.

Algorand in Action @Berlin Blockchain Week

This wrap-up will cover the activities Algorand participated in — highlighting the team’s experience of being immersed within the decentralized community of Berlin.

DAY #1 Algorand Founder, Silvio Micali Keynote: Building Technical Innovation for the Borderless Economy

Renowned computer scientist and Algorand Founder, Silvio Micali shared top-level insight into the Algorand product roadmap: taking an exclusive look into what developers and the broader community can expect next.

DAY #2 — DappCon and After Party @Hoppetosse

DappCon is a nonprofit global developer conference organized by Gnosis. The event focuses on decentralized applications, tooling, and foundational infrastructure. Bringing together more than 600 developers, researchers and enthusiasts.

Here, the team met with some great companies working on projects such as:

  • @flexdapps
  • @dHack0 @Theeylon
  • @onggunhao
  • @annalnCrypto
  • @knotmegan @veriledger .. and many more.

“The DappCon after party was a superb networking event, that captured a perfect Berlin vibe and venue with energy to match ” — Russ Fustino, Developer Evangelist

DAY #3 — Collaboration in Web3.0 Community Boat Trip

In collaboration with blockchain projects, KILT Protocol and Parity Technologies, Algorand co-hosted a boat cruise, providing delegates from Web.30 summit, Funkhaus, the opportunity to take an afternoon sail through the city while enjoying meaningful conversations and the panel discussion: Pressuring the point of collaboration and interoperability to create a successful and functional web3.0.

Invited to speak on the panel was developer relations manager, Sam Abbasssi, who was joined in discussion by fellow key voices:

Jake Stott — Founder @dGen

Ingo Rübe — Project Lead @Kiltprotocol

Björn Wagner — CCO @ParityTech

Philipp Pieper — Co-Founder & Council Member @SWARM

Sasha Kolupaev — Head of Community @wavesplatform

Nick de la Forge — Adjudicator @nickdelaforge

DAY #4 — Workshop: The Algorand Blockchain — Decentralized and for Developers. Hosted @TUBerlin [Berlin Institute of Technology]

Blockchain Developer Evangelist, Russ Fustino, presented ‘The Algorand Blockchain — Decentralized and for Developers.’

For this session Russ covered the basics of how the Algorand protocol works, the architecture overview, managing the node with the command line tools, and shows developers how to integrate using the SDKs to build Layer 2 applications.

DAY #5 & 6 — ETHBerlinZwei Festival and Hackathon @FactoryBerlin

ETHBerlin is a hackathon, a culture festival, an educational event, a platform for hacktivism, and a community initiative to push the decentralized ecosystem forward.

Algorand was warmly welcomed as sponsors of ETHBerlinZwei. The team’s primary goals were to raise the visibility of Algroand’s blockchain and core technology- to engage with and encourage developers to interact with the infrastructure, tools and SDKs- and to offer participating teams building projects on the Algorand platform on-site support throughout the hackathon.

PureStake Releases API for Algorand Development & Begins Accepting Payment in Algos

During the hackathon Algorand was excited to announce that PureStake, a leader in secure and reliable blockchain infrastructure, has released its Algorand API-as-a-Service. With this release, developers can easily interact with the Algorand network without needing to host and manage their own infrastructure. To celebrate the launch of the service, PureStake joined Algorand at ETHZwei offering event participants free access to the API for the duration of the hackathon.

Watch the video interview with Liz Baran, Director, Product Management and PureStake Software Engineer, Francisco Gamund to learn more:

Hackathon Success!

Huge congrats to the 1st place winner: Vladimir Zhuravlez: Developer of AlgoTix, Ticketing Solution.

Check out the video presentation of Vladimir’s winning project:

DAY #7 — Blockchain Week Special @Coding_Berlin Turbine Kreuzberg

To end activities the Algorand team joined friends at Coding Berlin for it’s Blockchain Week Special Event, in which developer relations manager Sam Abbassi presented a hands-on intro into Algorand’s JavaScript SDK. He also showcased a build on an IoT device that uses a raspberry pi and an RFID card reader that writes data to a transaction (in this case, the location of each tag) and broadcasts it to the Algorand blockchain. There are 4 SDK’s in total (JS, Python, Java and Go).

Special thanks to…

  • @factoryBerlin
  • @ChrisChinch
  • @MPtherealMVP
  • @e_nicleoid
  • @ericwang8
  • @wavesplatform
  • @vlzhr
  • @exiledsurfer
  • @bitcoingarrett
  • @annalnCrypto
  • @codingberlin
  • @stadolf
  • @turbinekreuzburg
  • @berblockweek
  • @_blockdaemon
  • @purestakeco

Until next time!

Amy Fleming, Community Manager, Algorand Foundation


About the Algorand Foundation

The Algorand Foundation is dedicated to fulfilling the global promise of blockchain technology by leveraging the Algorand protocol and open source software, which was initially designed by Silvio Micali and a team of leading scientists. With core beliefs in the establishment of an open, public and permissionless blockchain, the Algorand Foundation has a vision for an inclusive ecosystem that provides an opportunity for everyone to harness the potential of an equitable and truly borderless economy.




blockchain dev/tech comms creature — growing the Algorand Foundation community in Europe and beyond.