Binary Tree Inorder Traversal

Problem Statement

deeksha sharma
Algorithm Problems
2 min readJan 20, 2016


Given a binary tree, return the inorder traversal of its nodes’ values.

For example:
Given binary tree {1,#,2,3},

return [1,3,2].


There are 2 ways I know of solving this problem:

  • Maintain of stack of the left most nodes.
  • Pop the top element from the stack-> add the value of this node to the list -> push the right subtree of this node into the stack.
  • Perform the above step until the stack is empty. The elements added to the list will be the result of inorder traversal.

Another approach is simple:

  • Starting from the root node, keep adding to the list in the following order
  • If left node is not null then recursively call addToList(node.left)
  • Add value of the current node to the list.
  • If right node is not null then recursively call addToList(node.right)

In this approach there is no need of maintaining a stack.

Run Time Complexity

The run time for the first approach is O(n logn). Cost of pushToLeft() is O(lgn) and this called for n elements so the totals becomes O(nlogn)

The run time for the second approach is clearly O(n)

Code for Approach1

Code for Approach2



deeksha sharma
Algorithm Problems

Work for life long learner ,investing time heavily in personal finance, education, tech and design skills. Twitter: @deekshasharma25