Reverse String

Problem Statement

deeksha sharma
Algorithm Problems
2 min readMar 11, 2016


Given an input string, reverse it in place and retain the whitespace positions as is.

For example: “xm l” =>”lm x”

Another example could be “xml json” => “nos jlmx”


  • Convert the String to character array and maintain 2 pointers (start ,end) where start = 0 and end = string.length()-1;
  • Move both the pointers simultaneously and check
  • If the charAt(start) = ‘ ‘ then increment the start pointer only.
  • If charAt(end) = ‘ ‘ then decrement the end pointer only
  • If both charAt(start) and charAt(end) = ‘ ‘ then increment start and decrement end pointer.
  • Repeat the above steps until start < end.

Run Time Complexity

Run time Complexity is O(n) because we iterate through each character in the String.


public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(convertToString(reverseInPlace("xm l")));
System.out.println(reverseInPlace("xml json"));
* Reverse the characters in a String while retaining the white space positions
* @param input
* @return character array containing the reversed characters
static char[] reverseInPlace(String input){
if (input.length() < 1){
return input.toCharArray();
char[] output = input.toCharArray();
int start = 0;
int end = input.length()-1;
while (start < end){
if (output[start] == ' '){
}else if (output[end] == ' '){
}else if (output[start] == ' ' && output[end] == ' '){
}else {
char temp = output[start];
output[start] = output[end];
output[end] = temp;
}return output;
* Convert a Character array to String
* @param output character array containing reversed characters
* @return final resulting String
static String convertToString(char[] output){
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (char c: output){
return builder.toString();



deeksha sharma
Algorithm Problems

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