Exercise — Estimating Complexity 20190220

Nicola Bernini
Algorithms and Data Structures
1 min readFeb 20, 2019

Disclaimer: this is intended to be a living document, not a traditional one which is written once and never updated.
Check the updates on the Associated GitHub Repo

Task: Let’s estimate complexity, both spatial and computational, for different problems

Problem: For a given NxN Matrix, estimate Computational Complexity of computing all the submatrixes


  • to fully identify a submatrix it is necessary to define position (2 params) and size (2 params) inside the main matrix: so it is a total of 4 params all independet among them hence it is O(N⁴), in fact you need
  • O(N²) to produce W and H independently
  • O(N²) to produce w \in [0, N-1] and h \in [0, N-1] indepedently
  • in the case of a square submatrix you have the additional vinculus of W=H hence the size degrees of freedom decreases from 2 to 1 hence the final complexity is O(N³)

Problem: let’s extend the above mentioned problem of submatrix computation adding the computation of the submatrix sum


  • the complexity of the submatrix computation is fully maintained, in addition you have the complexity of the sum computation which basically means
  • from a time perspective, to iterate over all the W*H submatrix elements it’s O(N²) in time
  • from a space perspective, it requires to track the partial sum so just O(1)



Nicola Bernini
Algorithms and Data Structures

Machine Learning PhD, Physicist. Mainly interested in Deep Learning, Functional Programming. https://github.com/NicolaBernini