3 dataviz about Covid that made us think

Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2020

We are facing unprecedented times. Our frenetic lives seem stopped and, although our industry relies on digital and is able to keep moving forward through remote working, this is a challenging moment for everyone.

Especially during these times, being able to form our opinion through data is so important, to strengthen our awareness and avoid sensationalism.

As a data visualization and video automation studio, we at algo.tv wanted to share some data-driven works that impressed us and made us think.

We are a studio based in Italy — so our perspective will include international and Italian works.

01. Washington Post — How To Flatten the Curve

This interactive data-driven article by Harry Stevens is based on particles and how avoiding human interactions through social distancing is crucial to flatten the curve of the pandemic and avoid the collapse of the healthcare systems.

Read the article here
Simulation of the contagion through time

It has been published in a very crucial moment for the US — on March 14th, when the awareness of the risk of Covid and the importance to stay home rose — and it has also been shared by Barack Obama. Quite an important endorsement.


02. The New York Times — How The Virus Got Out

Published on March 22nd, this is an editorial piece where the scrolling experience is very functional to explore data and understand how easily a virus like Covid could have been diffused due to the celebrations of the Lunar New Year Celebration.

Read the article here
Some dataviz to understand the spread of the virus

In this case, the source of data is also very interesting: the numbers of people moving out of Wuhan have been provided by Baidu (the main research engine in China) and two other Chinese Telco companies by analyzing the geo-tracking of mobile phones during those days.


03. Il Sole24Ore — Coronavirus In Italy

In Italy — our country — the Covid started spreading since Feb 22nd and since then it passed rapidly from a few cases to a terrifying outbreak.

This data-driven experience by Il Sole 24 Ore, the main Italian economic newspaper, has been a reliable source of information for the daily updated evolution of the pandemic in Italy, region by region, and in Europe — to read this complex situation through data.


We hope that this collection can help spread awareness and highlight how data are crucial in such complex times to understand reality and act consciously.

If you want to share other relevant data-viz to be added to this collection or you want our perspective on how to turn data-driven information into video automation, contact us at algo@illo.tv .

Ilenia Notarangelo
Design Director @ algo.tv



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is a design studio with focus on motion design, illustration & set design. We aim for a minimal and colourful aesthetic — & clear storytelling. https://illo.tv