Go to Aliados Consulting
Aliados Consulting
Capacitamos pessoas e organizações para avançarem na direção de um futuro sustentável.
Note from the editor

Capacitamos pessoas e organizações para avançarem na direção de um futuro sustentável.

Go to the profile of Inês Santos Silva
Inês Santos Silva
Ecosystems Builder | Gender Equality | Future of Work. Working in the intersection of technology, entrepreneurship and social good. http://inessilva.me
Go to the profile of Tiago André Ferreira
Tiago André Ferreira
I’am an impact strategist, interested on subjects as entrepreneurship, social innovation, and local economic development.
Go to the profile of Equipa Aliados
Equipa Aliados
A Aliados — The Challenges Consulting constrói soluções para os desafios da economia de impacto.
Go to the profile of Daniel Ramos
Go to the profile of Pedro Manuel Simões Fernandes
Pedro Manuel Simões Fernandes
Sustainability | Climate Change | Circular Economy | Environmental Economics
Go to the profile of Diego Nunes
Diego Nunes
I help individuals and organizations to find new funding opportunites for their projects in Portugal and Europe. Have a question? Send me a message! :)