Partnership with brings social funding through blockchain technology to LATAM
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2019


We are pleased to announce the new collaboration between and, to bring together their altruistic raise of ETH and DAI to charities in LATAM.

[Mar 8th, 2019] is an entirely free, open-source platform, built on the Ethereum Blockchain that cuts out bureaucracy and enables nonprofits to create a high level of transparency and accountability towards donors. The partnerships will consist of developing a solution that connects our current mobile platform Koperacha to Bity — a blockchain infrastructure provider from Switzerland––and Bitso, the best online exchange platform in Mexico that allows users to receive cryptocurrency funds and convert them into pesos. is re-engineering how donations are made, and with all this change, they had to reinvent the language to talk about it. The 3 key building blocks of the Giveth system are Communities (DACs), Campaigns and Milestones. A DAC — short for Decentralized Altruistic Community — is the group of people united around a cause they want to support. This DAC will fund and steer multiple Campaigns, which can in turn also be supported by more than one DAC. A Campaign translates the dreams of a DAC into a more specific agenda to which action points are linked: Milestones. Milestones are the smallest entity within the Giveth system and are the last step in their donation flow. Once completed, the funds are released into the wild to reimburse and reward good people for their good work.

A Giver can donate directly to a Campaign they believe in, or they can decide to pledge funds to a DAC that will allocate these funds to appropriate Campaigns in the Giver’s name. By donating, the Giver automatically becomes part of the DAC and is connected with the rest of the community.

With this new collaboration, Giveth will help fund a local NGO. Watch the new podcast we did with Griff Green ( Founder) and Omar on the YouTube channel Crypt0 and don’t forget to check out all the details on Giveth’s blog.

