Fundación Castro-Limón announces strategic partnership with
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2018
A look inside Fundación Castro-Limón

In an effort to introduce new forms of funding, Fundación Castro-Limón decided to partner with last month, to start using our mobile platform Koperacha as a crowdfunding tool for specific campaigns and purposes.

[Apr 22nd, 2018] With a special emphasis on those coming from low-income communities, Fundación Castro-Limón was created in 2003 with the vision of constructing an exclusive space dedicated to provide integral attention to children and youth-adolescents diagnosed with cancer. Today they are one of the biggest non profit organizations in Mexico, that procures funds to provide integral attention to children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer, through a team of highly specialized health professionals at the Pediatric Oncology Center (COP) in the city of Tijuana.

Crowdfunding is a top fundraising option for cancer treatment because it’s cost-effective and easy to get started with, it can also serve as a stage to foster a sense of community and support during a difficult time. As part of the foundation’s Adopta program, Castro-Limón will begin to use Koperacha as of May to raise funds to facilitate the collection of monthly donations from recurrent donors called ‘padrinos & madrinas’ (godfathers & godmothers) that will be able to donate monthly through their phones.

They will also utilice our platform for other special campaigns and programs, such is the case of ‘Juntos por Ismael’ (Together for Ismael), a three month campaign to collect $300,000 pesos for the continuing treatment of three-year old boy Ismael, from Ensenada, Baja California, who was diagnosed with Cancer last year and is in the middle of his treatment.

Pediatric Oncology Center (COP) inside Fundación Castro-Limón

We invite you to get to know more about Fundación Castro-Limón and their history delivering excellence in care and for believing that every child should laugh, dance, play and live as only a child can.

Fundación Castro-Limón partnerships with

