An idea to bring change, with India’s Super Brain

Empowering people for a better tomorrow

Ritika Tamang
Alien Brains
5 min readAug 14, 2020


This year came with lots of surprises. From the Australian bush fire to the Amazon wildfire to Corona virus, all came as a big surprise that alarmed the whole world. From economy to social interaction everything has been affected. And the world is not the same anymore.

We, at Alien Brains, were affected too, thinking about the next. But this was not a time to be idle.

We have always tried to make a difference. In the method of learning, we introduced “Study now and pay later” for all our students to give them a helping hand in this time of need, and this was received well.

But, we wanted to do more.

One fine day, we happened to discuss among ourselves, how we ended up working at Alien Brains. When at one point of time, during our respective college days, we weren’t exactly the toppers of the class, but we all were keen to learn. We knew if we had got a chance we would not have let it go.

Life happened, and we arrived at a position where we could look back and think, what would have helped us more. How we felt the need to bring a change in the system.

We thought, this is what the country could really use — get mentored first and then appear for a competition. This way, instead of judging someone’s potential on what they know, we will be providing them the opportunity to prove to the world, how well they can grasp new concepts. All they need is a chance, and provided they are given an opportunity, they will leave no stone unturned to make the best out of it.

And thus, we came to the idea of India’s Super Brain.

India’s Super Brain — The Details

We are organizing a competition where we look for participants ability to grasp concepts and knowledge. Giving them an equal opportunity to compete and rise themselves. Where they can truly discover what they are made of, in a 4 week long competition.

We have done everything we possibly could in this lock-down! Right? From art, to reading books, to watching every Netflix series and movies. This competition would set forth a new way to spend the lock-down days. Relax our attention from all the happenings, towards an opportunity to make our self better.

We do not know when will mother nature calm itself. But we are sure, that this pandemic cannot stop us from learning and enlightening ourselves.

Mentored Technologies

We will mentor our participants with the latest and the most valued technologies in the market. We picked technologies which will grow more in the future. In a way, this will make our participants ready for the future.

So these are what we penned down -

  1. Web development with ReactJS
  2. Machine Learning
  3. Cyber Security
  4. Database Management System

While going through this we came to our next idea —

Look of people when they are hit with an idea. (Source:

In today’s century these technologies would enable anyone to bring their ideas to market. It would enable everyone to be a maker, and bring out the changes that they desired.

We know there are many people in non-IT sectors who would love to get their feet wet with these technologies. So we came up with a Warm up Session.

Warm Up Session

While the actual competition would start at a later date, warm up session was added so that non-IT people would get a start off knowing about programming. It would be a complimentary cum optional course from our side to all the participants. In this session we would make them understand how technologies can help them in automating stuffs, with the help of Python.

We named it — Automate with Python. Not bad, eh?

People, who haven’t had any programming experience before, will be introduced to this world while learning how to write scripts in Python, which can automate many tasks. We made it completely optional, and it is recommended to people with little or no prior programming or scripting experiences.

Introducing Prizes

Competition and prizes go hand in hand. As we were all set up to host India’s Super Brain we wanted that these real talents to be prized with something worth it, something that would let them grow more. And what better could be an opportunity to learn and earn at the same time. We realized this very thing was something we all wanted to have during our college life too.

List of prizes that we have stored for our participants:

  1. Rs 5,000 every week to top 25 ranker’s.
  2. Top 3 will be interviewed and will be featuring on our post competition e-magazine.
  3. Winner bags a cash prize of Rs 1,00,000. 1st Runner Up bags a cash prize of Rs 50,000 and 2nd Runner Up bags a cash prize of Rs 25,000.
  4. 4th to 10th Ranker’s bags Rs 15,000 and 11th-25th Ranker’s bags Rs 8000.

These are not all.

  1. Top 10 Ranker’s will be directly offered a full time job at Alien Brains.
  2. Top 11–25 Ranker’s will be offered direct paid internship worth Rs 15,000 Per month for a period of 6 months.
  3. 6 weeks exclusive access to an online club for the top 1000 ranker’s.
  4. All the top 1000 participants will get exclusive free access to an online club for 6 weeks after the competition, where we decided to call present employees of all big IT giants every Saturday from 5 PM — 8 PM. They will guide them, mentor them, answer their queries, and speak about how they got there.


Where there is a will, there is a way!

India’s Super Brain is not just for one nation. It is for all those who wants to learn and bring a change. If you are an enthusiast who thinks alike, we believe these technologies will help you in your journey.

If you want to join, you can participate here. Or if you want to know more and have any queries about this initiative, visit our competition site.

Finally, stay safe and stay healthy!

