AliExpress hid the shipping cost!

The cost of shipping on AliExpress has become inadequately high, so the marketplace simply stopped showing it. Why did AliExpress hide the shipping cost?

Ali Profi
AliExpress Profi
2 min readJan 2, 2024


Classic scam on AliExpress — the price of the product is a penny, delivery is 1000 rubles. A real problem for buyers, which greatly complicates the search and repels. Previously, users saw the final cost of the goods together with the delivery, now they will have to look for the cost of delivery in the description.

It is also surprising in this story that delivery to AliExpress’s own pastorals costs significantly more than through the Russian Post. What’s the point of using them, then, if there are communication offices on every corner? Recently, the delivery has grown greatly, which makes it impractical to buy goods on AliExpress. Therefore, the “buy” button simply stopped being pressed and the conversion rate dropped.

AliExpress product managers, instead of solving the issue with scammers, offered their “innovative” approach — they simply hid the shipping cost so that customers would click on the “buy” button more often.

Clicking on the button is not a purchase yet! As a result, using AliExpress has become even more uncomfortable, and the feeling of deception has increased. Probably, this is the main goal of the leaders of the Russian office because it’s not for nothing that even their investors refused them. Why the company does not want to hire professional product managers remains a mystery.



Ali Profi
AliExpress Profi

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