How to buy goods on AliExpress in Russia?

Ali Profi
AliExpress Profi
Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2024

Aliexpress continues its work in Russia. But because of the sanctions, the cost of goods and delivery has changed. What is new now, and does it make sense for Russians to make orders?

How does AliExpress work today?

Pricing on the platform depends on the dollar exchange rate. The Central Bank sets it. You can still pay via Mir, Kiwi, Yandex-money, Visa, Mastercard and by phone number. Only PayPal payment stopped working.

Products are no longer supplied from Europe and the USA, and even if they are in stock in China, they are blocked due to anti-Russian sanctions. The sale of products of Russian, Chinese and Turkish entrepreneurs has been opened. The delivery time has slightly increased due to customs checks.

What has changed for the better? Threshold of duty-free import. Now individuals can buy household appliances, furniture or any other goods in large quantities through foreign stores, if their weight does not exceed 31 kg.

How to make an order on AliExpress?

The order rules have not changed. Coupons, discounts, and bonuses to AliExpress are also available to consumers. Russian products are delivered at the usual time. There are slight delays when shipping from China.

There are 3 ways to get it: courier, mail and postamat. The delivery time and cost are different. The courier will deliver the goods the fastest, but it will cost more. The other 2 methods are the same in terms of time and cost.

How to save money when buying on Aliexpress?

Prices change due to the changing exchange rate. But if you pay in dollars, you can save money. This works with Chinese goods, but not with Russian ones. To save money, use a dollar Kiwi wallet. If it is not there, they create and buy dollars. When paying, choose this wallet for payment.

Is it profitable to make purchases on AliExpress?

The cost of many goods has increased significantly. For some products, the price has become 45% higher. But the increase in prices also affected Russian marketplaces. Here, the same goods are pricier than on AliExpress, by 2 times.

The question of the benefits of shopping today is controversial. It all depends on the specific product. They may vary in price or cost the same. Therefore, before buying, they compare prices on different platforms and decide what and where it is more profitable to buy. The same gadgets in Russia can cost the same or pricier. During the purchase, consider:

  • price growth by product category;
  • time for product confirmation and delivery;
  • place of delivery (Europe and the USA are not considered);
  • price comparison with marketplaces in Russia.

If this is your first time buying on AliExpress, then make a small test order first. And when you understand how everything works there, then buy as much as you want…



Ali Profi
AliExpress Profi

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