Training Course Update: The first days — (Alive Peace — October 2018)

Tissione Parmar
Alive Peace
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2018

We are half way through the Alive Peace Training Course 2018: ‘Exploring a Culture of Peace Through Personal Change and Wellbeing’.

A total of 28 participants have come together to reflect upon their roles as changemakers in creating a more peaceful world.

The week started by getting to know each other on a deeper level and slowly creating a safe space to allow processes of exploration and flourishing.

Through different sessions addressed topics such as peace education, wellbeing, emotional work and creative movement, participants were able to reflect upon their own personal and professional lives.

Personal change and wellbeing is partly related to finding happiness and what we really want in our lives. Yet it also requires us to step into those ‘not so pleasant’ parts, to look at our shadows and the fears, shame and the habits which block us.

With a few days still to go, we continue to deepen the process of inner and outer work and start to create plans to bring these important learnings into our daily lives in concrete and actionable ways.

The Alive Peace Team would like to thank the participants for their incredible openness, commitment and passion so far and can’t wait to see how the rest of the week goes.

