Aliyah’s story is a Story Pirates podcast: The Bike That Is A Car

Sari Stillman
Aliyah Rotman’s Community
3 min readApr 5, 2023
Even from a young age, Aliyah was always biking!

Aliyah was a creative kid who loved stories. Everything was a character to her and her amazing stories filled our house. Not only did Aliyah love making stories, but she also enjoyed listening to other kids’ stories on the podcast Story Pirates.

When she was in grade 1, she had me scribe her story “The Bike That Is A Car” and submit it to Story Pirates. In the summer of 2022, Story Pirates aired Aliyah’s story.

The story is all Aliyah: bicycles, inventions, perseverance, creativity, humor, and of course a moral.

Please enjoy Aliyah’s story and the podcast it was turned into.

Aliyah’s Story

A boy comes home from school. He bikes home on his bike. While he’s bicycling, an idea occurs to him, that he should invent a bicycle that is a car. When he bikes home he asks his mom if he can get a bunch of materials from everywhere. He built a bike. But then he wanted it to be a car too because he loves driving cars. So he made a picture of a car that is a bike and everything it can do. Then he tried to build it. He first built it out of cardboard. He tried to drive it. He tried to do everything he could but he couldn’t get it to work. He realized that he needed some tubes and real buttons that did stuff. But it’s still made out of cardboard so it didn’t work. So then he realized that he needed it to be out of something hard. So he made it out of plastic. It kinda worked, but it drove for about 5 seconds then it crashed. Then he tried to make it out of glass, but it smashed. Because glass smashes. So he asked his next door neighbour if she could help- she was an engineer. His next door neighbour Ms. Fred planned it out on a piece of paper. He said everything it should do. And Ms. Fred drawed it on the piece of paper and wrote it in his garage. They start to build it. Ms. Fred said that, “We need lots of materials from everywhere!” It took about 5 weeks for them to get all the materials. After they got all the materials, they started to build. Months and years and seasons passed by. And they were still not done. The boy waited patiently. One day it was done and they tried it out. After they tried to bike they realized it was too heavy, they tried to make it lighter. First the boy thought to make it out of foam, but the engineer said that won’t work. Then they realized not to put so much pressure and weight. It took another 5 weeks to get the new materials, again years, weeks and months passed by. Again the boy was so patient, he waited. Finally they tried again, but he wasn’t so sure about perseverance and what was going to happen. The engineer said that perseverance is key in building stuff. Then they tried it out, it still didn’t work. This time the problem was there was no pedals because they forgot about them. It took another 5 weeks to get all the materials. The boy was losing his patience. After another weeks, months, years passed by he had no patience. The engineer said, “We waited all this time, and try it out. Don’t lose your patience young boy!” They tried it out and it still did not work. The engineer secretly put in too much stuff that made it not work. For she was making a big surprise. The boy finally thought they should give up. But the engineer was still working all year long. Until it was his birthday. She surprised him with the vehicle he wanted. He drove it everywhere. He became a car seller for those bike cars.

