Compilation of best (biased?) UX/UI articles and tools of 2016

A slightly mellow monument to my information hoarding

Aljoscha Sokolov
Aljoscha’s UX things & stuff


As a UX designer I find myself constantly reading everything on the topic and around and usually I end up with some 40+ tabs of “I’ll need this later this week” articles. I used some alternatives such as robust, multiplatfrom Evernote ( which of now is quite in a pickle )and in my opinion the best option Dragdis which is neat and lightweight, but it didn’t give me much closure on the things I read. So I decided to put it out here on Medium, here’s a compilation of stuff I bid useful and inspiring.

User Experience // Theoretic things

The Baseline Journey by Adaptive Path
Neat model to define core value proposition and have a coherent “baseline journey” for all user types.

No UI Is The New UI by Tony Aube
On UI’less interaction, messaging-based apps and a particularly nice thought about technological tiller.

Design machines by Travis Gertz
Opus magnum on the state of design and designers in modern context by Fabricio Teixeira
Huge database of all things UX: tools, practices libraries etc.

How to Create Visually Effective Calls-To-Action by Rafal Tomal
Detailed and informative read about how CTA’s should be disruptive and some practical advice.

Motion with Meaning: Semantic Animation in Interface Design
by Tobias Bernard, Amin Al Hazwani
An extreemly satisfying read on UI animation, provides very useful insight
for approaching design with animation in mind from the very beginning.

Driving more valuable customer journeys with emotion mapping by Mind Candy
A two part look at how traditional psychological principles can be used to enhance our user experience decision making and influence user’s decision making on an emotional level.

User Interface // Practical things

Design patterns by Anders Toxboe
Library of UI patterns, nice to look at when you are starting thinking about layout and how to break a feature into UI.

4 tips on typography in UI design by InVision Blog
Some advice on typography, content importance and text-as-UI thing

Jedi Principles of UI Animation by Kit Oliynyk
Indeph and practical view on principles of illustration with lots of examples

Setting Type for User Interfaces by Billy Whited
In-deph workflow of setting type for efficient and legable UI

The Art Of Mixing Typefaces Google Fonts Edition by Shaun Pagin
A cheatsheet of combining Google Fonts for those who are using free typefaces

Top Typographic Resources for UX Designers by jdallcaps
Tools, pairings, foundries iconfonts etc. Feels quite meta posting a compilation to a compilation.

Size Matters: Balancing Line Length And Font Size In Responsive Web Design by Laura Franz
Neat read on optimizing typography for readability, also has nice followup reads

A sortof manifesto for type as interface & some resource links

Practical typography by Matthew But­t­er­ick
Long list of advice on typographic style and best practices

Design principles by Melissa Mandelbaum
Several core interactive design principles beautifully presented, nice for when you start a project.

Content strategy// SEO

The Fundamental Guide To SEO In 2016 by Jayson Demers
Always a good idea to design around content, thus its a good idea to be familiar with how the content is indexed while designing.

Work organisation // Self-esteem

Atomic design methodology
Methodology for designing and developing user interfaces

Lessons Learned from a Young Designer by Evan Ames
Neat read about what to expect from the industry on the organisational/relationship level and how to tackle some of the problems.

I’m an Impostor by David Walsh
Mozilla dev reflects on his carrier path and professional self esteem.

Imagining your future projects is holding you back by Jessica Abel
An argument for doing stuff against dreaming of stuff with a nice twist of having old ideas is an act of being your past self.

A compilation of design talks

The right way to end an email to a client
How to write actionable emails


My fav prototyping tool, ultra fast, amazing animations, standalone Mac app and superior Sketch integration.

Craft for Sketch
Amazing plugin for designing with real data which is pulled from all over the web, you can ever tap the exiting pages to leech text & photos

Crossplatform app prototypes with animations and interactions

Web and app prototypes with animations and interactions backed by coding

Quick and dirty prototypes, similar to InVision, free with branding applied on prorotype.
User experience recorder for research

All in one analytics tool with recorders, funnels, heat maps and all the shebang

Full List of UX Prototyping Tools
Not so full list of said tools

Lazy persons styleguide creator

Export sketch artboards for development

Prototype interaction & animation, export gifs
Feedback plugin integrating Photoshop/Sketch to Slack. It’s in beta now (also it just got acquired by InVision), and it’s not clear when what happens, but it looks like its well worth the wait


Web Framework
Microsoft’s material design — sort of.

Material design
Google’s material design

Semantic UI
Out of the box UI toolkit, useful for MVP

Style Guide Inspirations by Muzli
An obscene amount of styleguides

Misc. Inspiration

Dribbble // Kit Oliynyk
Collection of UI animations, sorted in a witty way.

Samuel Medvedowsky
Minimalistic & Detailed UX designers portfolio

