Alkemi Network joins the Global DCA

Max Luck-Hille
Alkemi Network
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2022

Alkemi Network Joins the Global Digital Asset and Cryptocurrency Association (Global DCA) as a Full Member to Advance Digital Asset Industry Self-Regulation.

Alkemi Network is pleased to announce it has joined the Global DCA, the digital asset industry’s emerging self-regulatory association. Comprised of over 50 member firms, the Global DCA exists to set global standards to steward the industry, provide educational programs for industry professionals and standard-setting bodies, and serve as a united voice on behalf of the global industry. All Full Members sign and attest to the Global DCA Code of Conduct and must successfully complete the Global DCA onboarding process.

“As a pioneer in the emerging ‘compliant DeFi’ ecosystem, we are proud to become a member of the Global DCA. Since our launch in 2018, we have been committed to delivering professional, institution-grade solutions for our clients and we look forward to working closely with the association to develop global DeFi industry standards.”

— Brian Mahoney, CSO Alkemi Network

“We warmly welcome Alkemi Network to our membership,” said Renata Szkoda, Chairwoman of the Board of the Global DCA. “Alkemi Network is an integral part of the DeFi ecosystem. Through their membership, they are stepping forward to help lead responsible innovation in this growing space.”

About Alkemi Network: Alkemi Network is bridging CeFi to DeFi, building an institution-grade liquidity network for financial institutions and individuals to access professional DeFi and earn yields on their Ethereum-based digital assets. The flagship protocol, Alkemi Earn (Earn), facilitates borrowing and lending within a compliant environment via a primary permissioned liquidity pool of digital assets (ETH, WBTC, and stablecoins). Earn also offers access to a secondary, permissionless liquidity pool of digital assets as part of Alkemi Network’s mission to enable everyone to join the decentralized financial ecosystem. To learn more about Alkemi, please visit their website at:

About the Global Digital Asset & Cryptocurrency Association: Global DCA is a global self-regulatory association for the digital asset & cryptocurrency industry. It was established to guide the evolution of digital assets, cryptocurrencies, and the underlying blockchain technology within a regulatory framework designed to build public trust, foster market integrity and maximize economic opportunity for all participants. Their broad-based membership includes exchanges and trading venues, proprietary trading firms, traders, investors, asset managers, brokerage firms, custodians, decentralized technology organizations, banks, legal firms, audit firms, insurance professionals, academics, consultants, & media. To learn more about the Global DCA, please visit their website at:

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