Alkymi CTO on Lessons Learned Implementing Active Learning

Harald Collet
Published in
1 min readJul 15, 2019

Talk on ‘ML on AWS + Kubernetes’ draws crowd at AWS Summit.

More than 11k+ attendees at the Amazon Web Services AWS Summit in New York had the opportunity to learn how Alkymi uses active learning to enable self-automation. In the Startup Talk, Alkymi’s CTO Steven She, walked the audience through how Alkymi leverages AWS for machine learning.

Alkymi CTO shares lessons learned on deploying active learning on AWS
Steven She at AWS Summit NYC

Here’s the presentation abstract:

“The process of automating workflows with machine learning models often requires a significant amount of labeled data. Acquiring this data can be a costly and time consuming process. Active learning is a type of machine learning that reduces the amount of labeled data required by allowing the model to select which examples will be labeled. In this talk, we describe the challenges and solutions Alkymi has encountered while implementing active learning on AWS using Kubernetes and SageMaker.”

Follow Alkymi to learn more about self-automation and get in touch for a live demo.

