Data Science: Book Recommendations for Beginners

Stetson Done, MSDA
Data Digest
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2022

I currently work as a teacher and mentor for students learning data analysis in a boot camp setting.

Here are a few books I recommend for anyone starting out in the field of data science.

Top Recommendations

#1 — Naked Statistics by Charles Wheelan

Image of the cover of the book, “Naked Satistics” by Charles Wheelan. Features a silhouette of a man holding a bar chart.

Summary: Naked Statistics is written in a narrative format with a fun to read, and easy to digest introduction to broad concepts in statistics. It is packed with real life examples of basic statistics concepts in action.

Best For: Those of us who slept through high school statistics. A great intro to the basic statistics concepts needed to work in data analysis.

#2 — Data Science Using Python and R by Chantal Larose and Daniel Larose

Cover of the textbook, “Data Science Using Python and R” by Chantal and Daniel Larose. The cover is a purple and blue abstract design.

Summary: Data Science Using Python and R is a short textbook published by Wiley. There may not be fun examples like there are in Naked Statistics, but this is the best book I have found so far on the application of Python (and R!) in each step of the data analysis process. I find myself using it as a reference book almost daily.

It stands out due to how straightforward and applicable it is.

Bonus: At the end of each chapter are reflective questions and step by step hands-on exercises.

Best For: Hands-on application. Those of us learning how to use Python or R to practice data analysis. The price tag is hefty, but it is well worth the cost.

#3 — Becoming a Data Head: How to Think, Speak, and Understand Data Science, Statistics, and Machine Learning by Alex Gutman and Jordan Goldmeier

Image of the cover of “Becoming a Data Head.” Features a pixelated image of a brain.

Summary: Similar to Naked Statistics, Becoming a Data Head is written in an easy to read narrative format. It gives a valuable overview of the field of data science / data analysis and how it is used in the real world to solve business problems.

Best For: Anyone new to the field trying to wrap their head around what data science is and how they can use it.

Honorable Mention — Storytelling With Data by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic

Image of the cover of “Storytelling with Data.” The cover is blue and white with faded visuals of graphs and charts in the background.

Summary: An absolute must have for anyone interested in making their data visualizations more effective at conveying the message they want to share. This book is focused on making data visualizations as simple yet powerful as possible. The author has several years of experience working as a data visualization expert at Google.

It is packed with full-color visualizations of “ DO THIS, not that” examples. Even flipping through this whenever you have the time is sure to improve every data visualization you create.

Best For: Anyone who communicates with data (that’s you).

As the stack of books on my desk continues to grow, stay tuned for future reviews.

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An image of a bookshelf with colorful books.



Stetson Done, MSDA
Data Digest

Master's in Data Analytics. Data Analyst II, Purchasing & Risk Analytics. I am passionate about helping others turn data into actionable insight.