From Writer to Blogger: The Curse of Medium

Ideas to help you fight.

Smillew Rahcuef
All About M


Photo by Manuel Meurisse on Unsplash

When I was six, I wanted to become a writer. That meant going to the local library with my grandma, browsing the shelves, and seeing my name on one of the book covers. I would turn to look at Grandma, and she would smile and tell me how proud I made her.

But writing is a grind.

You have to write 80,000 words and spend months on your own, writing without any feedback. And then you have to wait, edit, wait, edit, repeat this ten times, spend some more time alone, and in the end, receive dozens of rejection letters.

That’s harsh.

Blogging is much easier.

You write 500 words, barely edit them, hit publish, and get instant feedback in the form of likes, views, claps, and read ratios.


You can even get paid for the 500 words. That’s a much better feeling than receiving a rejection letter, even if it pays less than a cent per word.

But it keeps your eyes away from the prize and your goal, which is (was?) to write a book.

If you want to be a blogger, fine by me, and good luck to you, but if you want to be a writer, here are four ways to stop the curse of Medium.



Smillew Rahcuef
All About M

One day I will stop writing on Medium. Read my stories while you can.