Member-only story
Medium Changes Its Name To Peanuts
Become a Friend of Peanuts (FOP) today!
In the wake of Medium’s unofficial, unannounced, major-elephant-in-the-room January 2025 policy of paying writers two pennies (or peanuts) per story regardless of its success, Coach and team decided it was now a good time to change their business name…
…to Peanuts.
You will now receive promotional messages asking if you would like to pay a premium $10 (dollars, not pennies) to become a special Friend of Peanuts (FOP).
You will now be able to tell your friends and family that you literally write for peanuts, which has the additional benefit of being absolutely 100% true.
And what writer out there doesn’t love telling the truth?
Coach further announced that will be shipping free ‘I write for Peanuts’ t-shirts to premium Friends of Peanuts members.
This way you can wear your poverty and indignity as stiffed writers loudly and proudly on the streets of where you live.
Coach put it like this to the troops around the boardroom table:
This significant new business change is a win-win for everybody — more money for us and…