Member-only story
Truth, Honesty, Communication
Medium Isn’t Telling You the Whole Story
And I don’t think they will
I hope you’ve read Medium’s recent blog entry:
For those who read that and applauded while praising Medium for their openness and honesty, think again.
They say that they are “taking bigger, more aggressive steps to prevent this kind of abuse of the Partner Program,” and have “made some tweaks to the way earnings are calculated to better reward genuine behavior and discourage gaming,” and that “”All accounts are held to these standards” (op cit.)
Umm, really?
I will believe that when I see it. I know there are some very big names here who do not engage authentically.
When will Medium limit following people? They cannot tell me that following thousands is authentic. Limits on stories per day? Nobody can authentically write so many stories per day — it should be limited to four or five at most. Comments? 100 per day?? That’s ridiculously large — and cannot be authentic.