Medium Users Languish in Horrific Notification Void

As a week from hell stretches on, the Medium community struggles to cope

Ben Ulansey
All About M


Medium users taking to the streets in protest to demand their notifications / created by author in Dream app
Medium users taking to the streets in protest to demand their notifications / created by author in Dream app

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On Sunday night, Medium users across the world were appalled to suddenly find their notifications missing. Where once was a neon green dot of infinite promise sat an empty notification bell. As users from New York to Bangladesh refreshed their screens in a feverish succession, the alerts never arrived.

Some went to sleep with the hope that things would repair themselves by the beginning of the work week. Medium user Suzie Johnson laid her head to rest, but kept her phone at her side, sure that she’d wake up to a stream of notifications. But as Monday morning came, it was devoid of those precious green reminders of her flourishing digital life.

Without a single notice about the reception of her “6 Ways to Achieve Happiness Overnight” listicle, she was forced to envision a melancholy world hanging on tenterhooks. She pulled an old lap top from a drawer, fished out its charger, and raced to plug it in. She typed her name and password into the all-welcoming platform for writers and was horrified to see that barren notification bell staring blithely back at her once more. She cried out to the heavens above.



Ben Ulansey
All About M

Writer, musician, dog whisperer, video game enthusiast and amateur lucid dreamer. I write memoirs, satires, philosophical treatises and everything in between 🐙