My Best Articles Don’t Get Boosted
It’s not sour grapes; I’m just looking at the stats
I like Medium; I really do. It’s easy to use and the comments sections don’t make me cry regarding the state of humanity (which all other Internet comments sections do). I like that I can publish stories on a wide variety of topics, and I like many of its different publications.
And yes, every now and then, I like that I can make a little money here, and Medium pays it out monthly.
So, I’m not complaining. All the same, I am curious. Why don’t my best pieces seem to get boosted?
I don’t mind the boosting system. I’m not an imaginative person so I don’t really have any better ideas for getting different authors and pieces in front of different readers. Likewise, I am thankful for every boost I’ve ever gotten, not only because it says an editor liked my work, but also because you make more money per view/read when pieces are boosted.
What I don’t understand is why some of my best (if being “readable” or even somewhat “viral” is one of your measures of “best”) articles don’t get boosted.
Looking back at my stats, which I don’t often do because I’m not really good at analyzing things like stats, I can find my pieces that received the most views and reads: