New Writers Don’t Miss these 5 GREAT Writing Hacks on Medium!

Do you want some valuable tips for being a more productive writer?

Justiss Goode | F😄M
All About M


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Here on Medium, for writers to remember some of the really good habits that we often forget about using, we have to take a step back, and re-visit information we once found to be effective and valuable.

That’s what I like to do, when I find myself slacking off and not taking advantage of all the beneficial writing advice that I’ve shared with others in the past.

To help me focus my own attention on some of the previous strategies that used to work so well, I decided to take another walk down Memory Lane.

I looked through my previously published stories, and immediately zeroed in on the following 5 stories you see discussed below.

These are some of my very best writing hacks, that relate to writing and publishing on Medium.

Every one of the linked titles, will provide you access to some really useful hacks, smart suggestions, and valuable tips that can help you become a more productive Medium writer.

Just in case you decide to click away, be sure to:

5 Medium hacks for any level of writer



Justiss Goode | F😄M
All About M

Prolific Writer | Publication Editor | Friend of the Community: Always down to support fellow writers and their stories, in fun, creative, and promotional ways!