Member-only story
Substack Replaces Twitter, It Doesn’t Replace Medium
Here are some realities about Substack
Many people are understandably upset at Medium’s management, especially since Medium’s management doesn’t seem to give a rodent’s eema that paying customers are upset. Many of these people are wondering if there’s an alternative to Medium.
A number of people are suggesting Substack as an alternative. Some have just heard about it, maybe having seen someone else’s Substack e-mail newsletter. Some people, being pouty, are threatening to leave for Substack if they don’t get what they want from Medium. Then there are people who want to sell you advice on how to switch to Substack.
Before anyone stomps off to Substack, or worse, pay good money to have someone coach them on the transition, here is my honest advice. I present it not claiming to be an expert on anything, but as a sincere observer and experimenter who has been publishing content on the Internet since 1995 (Netscape Forever!)
I will offer my sense of how Substack compares with Medium. Hopefully, it will help you decide whether or not to stay with Medium, switch to Substack, or do both.
Some Truths about Substack
Substack is NOT like Medium. Substack has two components — Notes and…