they shoot messengers here

a free verse poem just for you, Medium.

All About M


Image by 愚木混株 Cdd20 from Pixabay

now I lay me down to sleep
I pray to coach my account to keep
but if it’s gone before I wake
at least I did a difference make


silence is a gun that isn’t
loaded, who are you
shooting when you speak?
these hollow-tipped posts
rip through the facts
with silver bullet
linings of information
shining vague lights
on the truth like
broken flashlights
squint and flicker
take a shot in the dark
hope for the best
pray for a change
it never comes
as the blood of the lambs
shed like tears from
a money-colored sky
who do we blame for the spill?
the heavy-pocketed
silver dollar saviors
gold coin carriers
with Wall Street wallet attitudes



All About M

Evil prevails when good women write nothing. -LIN